Lean UX: Process Page

last update: November 2023

Included on this page are instructions for what should go into a Lean UX-based Process Page. While anyone in IAD can view this page, please know that it's specifically set up for an assignment that occurs at the end of IAD4000 (Interaction Design II). If you have questions, please contact Prof. Lahey via Discord or email.



Executive Summary

This section acts as a summary of your entire page. Or, put differently, what are the important things someone might want to know at a glance? This is an important section for job recruiters and the early stages of the interview process. Keep it short so that it exists totally (or mostly) over the scrolling break -- you'll elaborate on all this information below in other sections. (Also, steer away from templates with huge hero-style image sections at top because it pushes your content down too far.) You should include all the information below in this order-ish:

Approach. Lean UX (you'll elaborate below)

App Idea. Distill it down to a sentence.

Objectives. What did you set out to achieve?

Role. What was your specific role?

Team size. How many?

Duration. How long did you work on this project?

Tools. What tools did you use to complete this project?

Links. Include links to all important files and/or other relevant information.


In this section, you will lay out what the reader will experience in more detail. In short, you are elaborating on the Executive Summary. The goal of an introduction is to set the scene for the reader and explain to them what will happen on this page.

  • Name and explain your prototype.
  • Storytelling is impactful. Consider starting with a short story about something related to your product domain. This story also serves the purpose of explaining the reason why you wanted to build this prototype.
  • Introduce Lean UX. What is it? Where does it come from? What is it meant to do? Any discussion should be built around the concept of the assumption and an overview of the genesis of Lean UX (UX + Lean + Scrum). You need to define each of these terms in your own words.
  • Be clear that this was a class project and how Lean UX was adapted for this class. This helps set expectations for the reader.
  • You should consider including the names/ images of the team, including Portfolio links.
  • Explain how the rest of the page is set up, i.e. signpost.
An image of a cat walking app.

Sprint 1

Please note that there are two different ways you can set up the sections that cover sprints (Either way is fine -- it depends on your template and personal preferences.):

Each sprint section, no matter how you set it up, should have a short introduction and conclusion to help out the reader. Additionally, as with all design terms, you need to explain your terms -- sprint, design week, etc. You should explain what happened each week, focusing on the important parts of Lean UX like assumptions, the Lean UX canvas, and your process for user research and prototyping (depending on what week you are discussing).

Design Week Zero

  • Explain what happened during your meetings this week, including focusing on explaining terms related to the Lean UX canvas. How did we modify Lean UX for this class?
  • Each of the terms related to the Lean UX canvas and what you did this week need to be explained. Why did you do them? What did they help you learn? How did they help you either formulate or test assumptions?

Sprint Week 1

  • Explain the concept of the 2-day Stand-up and how you utilized affinity maps. Explain how you tested assumptions and created MVPs.
  • There are no definitive rules in Lean UX for wireframing or how you shift from Design Week Zero toward creating your MVP. Thus, you need to explain how your team tackled this transition.
  • Explain, in some detail, your user research/testing sessions. What type of questions did you ask? Who did you talk to and why? What did you learn? How did this knowledge shape your assumptions? Remember, Weeks 1 and 2 are about testing your assumptions and pivoting if need be.

Sprint Week 2

  • Explain the concept of the Retrospective.
  • Explain how the things you learned in Week 1 shaped what you did in Week 2.
An image of sticky notes.An image of wireframes.

Sprint 2

Information here is very similar to Sprint 1. You should not feel the need to define terms you've already defined above. Be mindful that Sprint 2 should show growth, especially with how your assumptions changed based on evidence.

Design Week Zero

  • You need to explain what revalidation is, which things you revalidated, and what you learned from this process.
  • Because Lean UX utilizes Proto-Persona(s), you need to explain how (or if) your personas changed.

Sprint Week 1

  • Explain how the processes you followed this week were different from Sprint 1. Remember to focus on testing assumptions and MVPs.
  • Once again, explain, in some detail, your user research/testing sessions.

Sprint Week 2

  • Explain how the processes you followed this week were different from Sprint 1. Remember to focus on testing assumptions and MVPs.
  • Once again, explain, in some detail, your user research/testing sessions.
  • Explain your 3rd Proto-persona(s). This would be a good time for a deeper dive into the evolution of the persona(s) over the course of your sprints. How did they change? What did you learn?
An image of someone workin on a design workflow.An image of someone working on a design problem.


You need to accomplish two things in the conclusion. First, you need to summarize your experience in a concise manner. Second, you need to explain discuss lessons you learned from the process. What would you have done differently if given another chance or more time? Did you have any issues during your Sprints? Did you have to change anything because of user feedback? Employers understand that not everything works out perfectly; how you deal with adversity and how you can reflect on past projects shows your ability to grow.